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About Us

This adventure has been a lifetime in the making. Coming from a hunter gatherer family, I learned young to reap the unlimited bounty of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. Being of dual heritage (European and Native American), has given me a greater appreciation for the circle of life, of which we all participate.

Peggy and I have traveled throughout Florida over 15 years teaching about Florida Indians. These people are the Forgotten People Indigenous to Florida. We teach about how these people were dependent only on themselves and family. There provisions were made for them just as they have been for you and I through our giving creator. Unfortunately for us we have forgotten how to live with each other, this beautiful planet and other species of which we share this place in time.

Both Peggy and I have professional careers. I have been a Gardener Specialist at a local theme park for over 23 years. Peggy has worked at a local Charter School over nine years where she fulfills her need to make a difference in the lives of children.

It is our hope that all of our relations might begin to remember who we are and how to break our dependance on political, religious and economic division so that we again may become united in one spirit.

David White Wolfe